It is clear that digital technologies are changing existing business models across industries and sometimes even calling them into question. Entrepreneurs are once again required to tap technical potential in order to be competitive and successful in the long term in the age of digitalization.
Instead of taking the long path of trial & error the platform offers exchange & inspiration between the partners in order to accelerate the digitalization of companies. Partners widen also their network and their potential clients base.
Our Best Practice Company Tours take partners, members and public institutions to companies that have already successfully embarked on the path to the digital future. Participants gain exciting insights at first hand behind the scenes of production lines, offices or sales rooms and experience digitalization. In the “Management Talk” (C-level) we will discuss the opportunities and challenges of their digital approaches and solutions.
This conference format will showcase the partners´ digitalization in practice and bring together high-level representatives of major companies in their industries and experts in digitalization. Get inspired and discuss your strategies and solutions on high level.
German-Czech Economic Forum
November 12th 2024 (5pm–9pm), Hauch Gallery, Prague
Vice Prime Minister Ivan Bartoš, Minister of Regional Development
Anna Christmann, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany
Jan Berger, Economic Futurologist, Themis Foresight, Berlin
Filip Dřímalka, Digital Innovation Expert
... and the #PartnersForDigitalization

Lucie Zemanová
+420 221 490 337
Christian Rühmkorf
+420 603 882 185